Everything we do is about connecting to Jesus
You will find Him here on Sunday through Saturday! the Bible says "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ". 2 Peter 3:18

Marriage Preparation
We have both premarital and marital counseling and classes. There are many challenges that face families today and we want to help our families

Women's Ministry
Daughters through Faith is our women's group which does amazing things for our Church, overseas missions and much more. We also have specific encouragement just for women

Volunteer Groups
We have many chances to volunteer throughout the year!
Kid's Ministry
We have many opportunities for kids to be involved, and not just where you drop them off, but where you the parent can be involved in their growth in Christ

College Ministry
We know that this age can be trying to the Faith of young people. We train kids early to understand what and why their Faith is about in a thing called 'Apologetics'. We encourage strong fellowship too!

Pastoral Support
Pastor Dan is available to hear you and listen to you and to bring you God's Word and encouragement. All Pastors in our denomination have a Masters Degree and are trained to help you at no cost.