We were all new to faith once.
Getting to know a church can be an intimidating process. We’re here to help you understand what to hope for when you connect with us at Faith Lutheran Church.

Come As You Are
There is no dress code at Faith. You’ll find worshipers at Faith wearing everything from suits to casual attire. We aren't worried about what you are wearing and we hope you won’t worry about it either.
Children Welcome
Kids of all ages are welcome at Faith. We encourage kids and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's Word and sing his praise.
What to Expect
When You Visit on Sunday
Compelling Services
Our service includes Bible readings, a sermon, prayers, and singing. The service is printed in the service folder you receive when you come in and each part of the service is clearly marked.
What to Expect
When You Hear Our Message
Scripture Alone
We are a Bible-based and Christ-focused church. That means we give first place to God’s Word and trust it's power to create faith and transform our lives. You will hear, learn, and know how to apply God's Word to your life.
Grace Alone
While the law of God shows our sin, we are a Lutheran church that proclaims forgiveness for all through Jesus Christ. Our distinctive emphasis is on the freedom and peace that comes in knowing God's grace.
Faith Alone
We are a Christian church that gathers to praise God, to be strengthened in the Faith, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love to trust in the Savior. Faith in Christ is the only way to Heaven.

What to Expect
When You Meet Our Pastor
Shared Life Experience
Our pastor has life experiences just like you. He has cultivated his marriage, raised his children, and faced the challenges and joys of family life.
A Personal Connection
Our pastor works on getting to know everyone in our congregation. You’ll build a personal connection to the one we’ve asked to show us Jesus.
Points To Jesus
Our pastor's life calling is to direct you to our ever-living Savior. You can count on hearing good news here.